About Wealthy Forever

At Wealthy Forever, I believe that everyone should have the confidence and knowledge to invest in their financial future. My journey began with a simple frustration: despite the abundance of opportunities, many people still find investing intimidating and difficult to navigate. From the moment I received my first paycheck, I got drawn into the idea of my growing wealth through smart investments. However, I noticed that the fear of making mistakes often held other people back from taking the same risks and just keeping their investments on a low risk low rate bank account or sometimes not even that.

That’s why I created Wealthy Forever—to bridge the gap between hesitation and action. I aim to empower you with the information and tools you need to confidently take control of your financial life. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to refine your investment strategy, I will try to be here to support you every step of the way.

My Story

Wealthy Forever was born out of a passion for investing and a desire to make it accessible to everyone. The founder, the creator Teodor Granberg, an IT professional from Stockholm, Sweden. I have been fascinated by the world of finance since my early twenties. Born in the early 1990s, I think I understand the unique challenges that younger generations face in securing their financial futures.

After years of personal experience and research, I realized that too many people miss out on the benefits of investing simply because they didn't know where to start. This realization sparked the creation of Wealthy Forever—a platform dedicated to simplifying the complexities of global index investing and helping you build lasting wealth with confidence.

My Mission

At Wealthy Forever, the mission is to gather and provide reliable, well-researched information on financial products that prioritize low risk and potentially high returns. The focus is on low-cost global index funds, available in the form of mutual funds and ETFs, that have stood the test of time.

I am committed to only recommending products and platforms that I myself would feel confident investing in. You will never find me promoting high-cost, actively managed funds, cryptocurrencies, or any other speculative investments that lack the backing of historical evidence and robust research. The goal is to guide you towards investments that are not only trustworthy but also aligned with long-term financial success.

If I can manage to get at least some percentage of the readers to invest in low-cost index funds and hold it for at least 5 years, I would say that I have have succeeded in my mission. And hopefully those that do that will long since those 5 years have passed begune to realise the power of compound interest and the benefits of long term investing. And will have no more need of our services. I can also offer some insights in to the latest updates around taxes and the ever changing going-ons in the online broker industry. In a few years there might be a new ETF on the market being all the rage and checking all the boxes.

Affiliate Disclosure

Transparency is important to me. Some of the links on our website might be affiliate links (they arent yet as of 2024-10-1), which means that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you choose to sign up through one of these links. I want to emphasize that I only recommend products and services that I truly believe in and that me myself would use or invest my own money in.

The recommendations are based on thorough research and analysis, and the goal is to provide you with the best possible information to help you make informed financial decisions. Your trust is my priority, and I am committed to maintaining the highest level of integrity in all the recommendations.

Join Me on Your Financial Journey

Investing doesn’t have to be complicated or scary. With the right resources and support, you can build the future you’ve always dreamed of. Explore the site, learn at your own pace, and when you’re ready, take the first step towards becoming Wealthy Forever.

Ready to startinvesting? Check out our recommended platforms below, or visit the main page to learn more about how we can help you on your journey to financial independence.

Let's Connect!

Got a question, or just want to chat about investing? Feel free to reach out to me directly. I'd love to help!